The Apprentice

Module 10: Understanding Destruction

The deep understanding of destruction is very important for magicians and is often overlooked. In Western culture, destruction and all that it brings is greatly feared and little understood, and this cultural avoidance of destruction laps over into magic and spirituality. This in turn leads to unbalanced magic and, paradoxically, destructive spirituality.

In this module we will look at various aspects of destruction, and the difference between necessary and unnecessary destruction. We will look at the power points of destruction inherent within the land, the roles of various beings and powers involved with destruction, and the actual energetic dynamic from source to outcome.

NOTE: There are two versions of the final initiatory lesson that bridges from Apprentice to Initiate - the original ritual lesson and an adapted ritual lesson. The adapted ritual lesson is an option for students who live in cultures that have Ancestral Veneration -the difference with the adapted ritual is that there is no severing of connection with ancestors. Students can choose which initiation ritual they wish to work with: there is an explanation of the issue and what the adaptation does in with the lesson file . The adapted ritual will trigger in a different way, but it will still work and bridge the student into the path of the Mysteries.

How to apply for mentoring for the Initiate section

There is no mentoring for the Apprentice sectionMentoring starts with the completion of the Apprentice section, and the beginning of the Initiate section.

To apply for Initiate mentoring you must have completed the full Apprentice section of the course and have completed all the tasks in each lesson, and have the written work, records and journals to prove that you have done it and that you have understood it.

Have all of your files in word format or PDF, and all images requested should be JPEGs or PNG files. Pages of hand written journals should be sent in scanned PDF form and should be clearly readable with the date, lesson/module number and your name on each document. If the journals are not clearly readable, you will need to type them up.

All documents for submission (notes, essays, journals, projects) must have your name, the date, which lesson and module the work is from. Each set of session/practice notes/journals must have the date of each session beside the text.

When they are ready for submission, put them into computer folders, one folder for each module, and name the folder according to the module and your name. Put them into dropbox or a similar online storage so that you can send us the link. Have these ready when you apply for mentoring so that we can look at them when you apply. Do not wait for us to ask you to organize them. If you cannot organize yourself before hand, you are not going to do very well at magic!

If you have demonstrated that you have completed and fully understood the assigned work, you will be invited to be mentored. 

Once you are ready to apply and have all your study papers and written assignments in a proper format held in online storage, email the Director of Quareia School at or use the webform at the bottom of the main page of with the message heading ‘Application for Initiate Mentoring’.

The Apprentice - Module 10